IWorCon Study Visit: Social Services and Social Dialogue in the Czech Republic

From 20-21 November 2024, IWorCon project partners met in Prague for a study visit, hosted by the Association of Social Service Providers of the Czech Republic (APSS ČR). During the visit, partners learnt about the Czech social services sector, APSS CR’s history and activities, and social dialogue practices in the country.
APSS ČR is the largest social services umbrella organisation in the Czech Republic, representing the interests of their 2060 members in public bodies, committees and working groups. APSS also provides a wide range of information services to members, organises conferences, training programmes and campaigns.
In the Czech Republic, social dialogue takes place in a tripartite framework involving the government, trade unions, and employers’ associations. Discussions and negotiations revolve around labour, social, and economic policies. Dialogue occurs through established councils and committees, such as the Council for the Elderly and Ageing at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
For social services, trade unions like the Healthcare and Social Care Union of the Czech Republic and the Employer’s Union UZS also engage in the social dialogue.
The visit marked the end of a series of study visits held in the framework of IWorCon. Previous visits took place in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, and Austria.
They offered a valuable opportunity to partners to learn about social services and social dialogue in different countries and explore the functioning and management of effective employers’ organisations in the sector.
Key takeaways of all visits will be turned into a guide on “How to create and manage effective employers’ organisations in social services”.
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