Nicolas Schmit thanks social services and highlights the importance of social dialogue to achieve resilient and inclusive societies

On 19th October, Nicolas Schmit opened the DialogueS Final Conference organised by the Social Employers together with EPSU to discuss “Social Dialogue in Social Services for a strong social Europe”.
Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, opened the event with a video message thanking the social services “for their remarkable work and for being in the front line in these exceptional times we are living in”.
The Commission member insisted on the importance of providing accessible, affordable and quality services for all, as well as on the role of the social services sector in the implementation of the Commission’s initiatives and in the recovery, process form the COVID-19 pandemic.
He highlighted the key role of constructive partnerships between employers and workers, as the one between the Social Employers and EPSU, especially in critical situations such as the one we are facing. He also put in relevance the “importance of social dialogue to achieve resilient and inclusive societies”.
To conclude, Nicolas Schmit encouraged social services employers to take part on the ongoing consultation on the implementation of the European Pillars of Social Rights (EPSR), opened until 30 November 2020.
For more information on the consultation on the EPSR, click here.