Lares cares for the elderly, dependent, disabled and at risk of social exclusion, under the prism of solidarity management. 17 regional associations belong to Lares that bring together 1,050 centers and services throughout Spain.


The organisations associated to Lares serve about 70,000 adults each day and employ 33,000 professionals and 9,500 volunteers. As an employers association, Lares represents the interests of its members in collective bargaining processes and sectoral matters.

The Lares service model is based on three principles:

• The Person is at the center of attention.
• The Carer is a value-adding agent in care.
• The Environment – to promote exchange and co-existence.

Lares consists of 3 entities: A federation, a foundation and an association that share the objective of improving the quality of life of the elderly, dependent, disabled and at risk of social exclusion through the provision of direct care, the training of professionals and search for financing and aid.

Lares is a full member of the Federation of European Social Employers.