
Elisfa is representing and defending the interests of French employers from social and socio-cultural centers, childcare associations and local social development associations with social partners and public authorities.


Elisfa was founded in 1971 and represents 1575 organisations, among them 57% social centers, 32% childcare facilities and 11% local social development associations.

Elisfa aims to:

  • Group and represent employers of social centers, childcare associations and associations of local social development.
  • Negotiate with representative unions of employees and evolve the National Collective Agreement (NCC).
  • Defend the interests of the employers of the professional branch and develop their recognition with the public authorities and other organizations.
  • To inform you, to advise you, to accompany you, to support you in your employer function.
  • To stimulate, organize and develop the qualification and training of voluntary and salaried actors.

Elisfa is a full member of the Federation of European Social Employers.