Developing Collective Bargaining in the Care Sector (DEVCOBA): Partners met in Milan to kick-off new project

From 29 February to 1 March project partners met in Milan for the kick-off meeting of the DEVCOBA project. The meeting was hosted by the project managers from the University of Milan at the Department of Social and Political Sciences.
DEVCOBA examines the care labour market and its industrial relations, with a focus on early childhood education and care (ECEC) and long-term care (LTC). The project aims to explore the dynamics, mechanisms and impact of the development of collective bargaining and representation as a way to improve working conditions and reduce staff shortages in the care sector.
The research-oriented project brings together eight partners from seven countries: the University of Milan, the Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS) of the University of Copenhagen, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the University of Bremen (UNI-Bremen), the Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI), the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) and the Federation of European Social Employers (Social Employers).
Project outputs will include:
- A national-level mapping of collective bargaining and representation structures in the care sector in six countries (Denmark, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and Slovakia)
- Case studies identifying actions and initiatives adopted by social partners in each country to extend collective bargaining coverage
- Analysis of workers’ individual positioning and perceptions on job quality, working conditions, and collective representation
- Comparative analyses of the situation between the six countries
- National and international dissemination activities
For more information on DEVCOBA, visit: