DDSkills project meeting: 2nd Transnational Project Meeting

On 3rd November, the project coordinator To Ergastiri hosted online the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting in the framework of the DDSkills project.
The meeting gathered the partners of the DDSkills project to present the work done and the results achieved during the first ten months of the project. This was also an opportunity to furthers discuss on the next steps.
The DDSkills project aims to develop training courses to enhance digital competences of professional caregivers, so they can make better use of new technologies, and support persons with disabilities and their families in the use of those technologies.
The meeting started with welcoming remarks from the leading partner, To Ergastiri, who introduced the agenda and objectives of the meeting. This was followed by the presentation of the report on existing practices for new technologies courses in the Health and Social Care Sectors, drafted by FONDAZIONE SANTA LUCIA (FSL, Italy). This report, part of the deliverables foreseen in the work package (WP) 3, presents a study on the availability, characteristics and demand of courses related to digital skills for the Health and Social Care Sectors in six countries: Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Germany, Ireland and Lithuania. Moreover, it represents the first step in the development of the DDSkills Curriculum.
M.M.C MANAGEMENT CENTER LIMITED (MMC, Cyprus), provided an overview of the state of play of work package (WP) 4 “Curriculum planning and courses development”. The partners responsible for this WP worked on the revision of the CareV.E.T. Training Material, achieving a remarkable progress that will be further developed in the coming months. CareV.E.T is the predecessor project of DDSkills, which laid the foundation for many of the activities currently done in DDSKills. The main aim of this WP is to design a curriculum and deliver a training course that will offer high quality learning opportunities on digital skills for professionals in the Health and Care Sector.
In addition, the communication and exploitation strategy developed by the two EU-level organisations EASPD and the Social Employers and their previous dissemination activities were also discussed during the meeting, as well as the plan to disseminate future developments and deliverables.
The meeting finished with guidelines on the management of the project and with an open discussion on initiatives to continue and improve the collaboration between partners.
To find more about the DDSkills project here.