A big step towards a European sectoral social dialogue committee for social services

PRESS RELEASE (23 March 2022)
This week, representatives of the Federation of European Social Employers and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) met with Nicolas Schmit, the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights. A number of pressing topics were discussed, including existing workforce challenges in social services, the upcoming European Care Strategy and, importantly, the next steps in our joint application for an EU Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee.
The press release is available HERE.
The Commissioner declared he was “absolutely in favour of a creation of a sectoral social dialogue committee for Social Services” to be able to best face the upcoming social challenges and provide quality social care.
A decision on the joint application is expected in September 2022, following the communication on the review of the EU sectoral social dialogue.
Following the meeting with Commissioner Schmit, the Social Employers and EPSU jointly organised a Social Services Social Dialogue Pilot Meeting on 23 March, bringing together employers’ and employees’ representatives from all over EU member states.
During the meeting, both organisations presented their joint position on the upcoming European Care Strategy. Contributing to the implementation of the EU Care Strategy is one of the Social Employers and EPSU shared objectives, by working together in the framework of an EU sectoral social dialogue committee for social services.
The social partners also discussed the priorities for the future social dialogue committee: the main priorities being recruitment and retention, working conditions, public procurement and capacity building.
The meeting was concluded with the adoption of a social partners joint declaration.
The joint declaration highlights the need of a strong social dialogue in social services for a successful implementation of the EU Care Strategy and reiterates the Social Employers and EPSU readiness and commitment to go further in the framework of a Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for Social services.
The joint declaration is also available in: French, German and Spanish.
Note to Editors
The Federation of European Social Employers represents employers in the social services sector at European level and has, according to Eurofound, the most significant employer’s representativeness in the private sector part of social services. The Federation’s objectives are to strengthen the position of employers in social services at European and national level, establish common positions between members, and negotiate with European Trade Union Associations, representing workers in social services.
The European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) brings together trade unions from across Europe and represents over 8 million public service workers. It is the most representative European trade union organisation in the social services sector. EPSU works hard to deliver better working conditions, improved health and safety and enhanced rights for its members. By sitting down with employers at European level, we negotiate best practice agreements that improve the working lives of public service workers and ensure quality services for citizens.
For more information contact:
Tamara Gomez-Sanchez
Project & Communications Officer